Monday, August 16, 2010

FireStalkers Featured Artists week of 8-10 Spiral & CrochetedLittleThings

Get to know spiral

What started out as a wish to make my own set of Goddess prayer beads turned into a full blown passion for designing and making jewelry. What was simply a childhood hobby of doodling and scribbling evolved into a deep interest in learning how to paint and draw. What used to be an amusing pastime of cutting up bits of paper and cloth and putting seemingly disparate images and objects together to create a whole new image turned into a penchant for putting visuals and dreams down on paper or canvass using these very bits of seemingly forgotten pieces. Many bazaars and art fairs later, this desire to create became a longing for the kind of life that allowed me dictate its pace, to savor moments, to translate these into tangible objects of beauty and to share these with people who appreciated them. This is what my little shop is about -- slowing down, breathing deep, taking time to look at the pretty little things, establishing relationships that go beyond the usual busyness of business.

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